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Press release

Update on the Wildfires from the Fire Service Spokesperson, Fire Colonel Vassilios Vathrakogiannis

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Fire Service Spokesperson, Fire Colonel Vassilios Vathrakogiannis

Thursday, July 18 2024


Good afternoon from the Operations Center of the Fire Service. Today has been exceptionally challenging for the Fire Service due to the prolonged heatwave, drought, and strong local winds. Since early morning, 48 wildfires have broken out. Of these, 44 were promptly tackled, and the Fire Service forces are currently dealing with 4 ongoing fires.

The wildfire in Thermi, Thessaloniki, the third in the area in recent days, erupted in a mixed zone, among dense vegetation and residences, and quickly grew in size. Consequently, a message was issued via 112 to inform the area's residents about the fire. The fire approached homes, causing damage in some instances.

The situation is now better, and the Fire Service forces are managing only scattered hotspots. 60 firefighters, including 2 forest commando units, 19 vehicles, 5 firefighting aircraft, and 3 helicopters are currently operating in the area. Heavy machinery and water tankers from local authorities are assisting in the firefighting efforts. At the same time, in a nearby area, Fire Service forces were dealing with another fire in Oraiokastro, which was promptly brought under control.

Currently, the fire that broke out in the Poisses area on the island of Kea has no active front. Two messages were issued via 112, initially to inform and subsequently to evacuate residents from the areas of Kastelakia and Koundouro towards Pisses.

Forest commandos and ground forces, transported by a Fire Service helicopter from Athens, are operating in the area, while 2 aircraft and 2 helicopters are deployed for aerial firefighting. Water tankers from local authorities are providing support, and a Coast Guard vessel was mobilized from the outset.

It is crucial to emphasize that the high temperatures prevailing in recent times dangerously increase the likelihood of fire outbreaks. Everyone must stay alert. For any further updates, another briefing will follow.