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The Civil Protection Academy (CPA) is a new educational structure - the first of its kind in the country - that comes to address in a holistic way ongoing training needs of each group of the population on issues of civil protection and crisis management.

It is an educational structure, open to society, that invites citizens, Civil Protection volunteers, officials of the public sector and the local government, the Armed Forces and the Security Forces, to “meet”, to cooperate, to develop a common code of communication, so that society becomes more effective and more capable of facing the current challenges. Its work aspires to strengthen society's resilience to the new reality presented by the phenomena of the climate crisis.

Through a series of differentiated programmes, depending on the trainee group, the Civil Protection Academy aims to act as a creative platform for the transmission and exchange of empirical, scientific and institutional knowledge.

This entire framework will serve the Triptych “Prevention, Preparation-Preparedness, Resilience”, which is the pillar of the actions of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection. In addition, special emphasis is placed on prevention, which is an effective tool for reducing the risk of natural disasters and shielding society against them in the long term.

Άποψη του κτιρίου της ΑΠΟΠ στα Βίλλια Αττικής
View of the CPA building  

Mission Statement

CPA, based in Attica, started operating in November 2022 with the mission of providing certified, theoretical and practical, training and training on civil protection and crisis management issues.  

CPA offers training for:

  • volunteers - members of volunteer Civil Protection organisations,
  • Public Sector executives (par. 1 Article 14 of L. 4270/2014 (A' 143)),
  • officers of the Armed Forces and Security Forces, at the invitation of the Secretary General for Civil Protection.

Training is also available to:

  • pupils, vocational trainees/students
  • staff of Private Sector bodies; and
  • civic groups.

CPA Schools

The Civil Protection Academy operates four Schools:
1.    School of Volunteers and Volunteer Civil Protection Organisations
2.    Faculty of Personnel and Executives of Local Authorities of Athens, 1st and 2nd grade
3.    School of Public Administration
4.    Civic School.


Educational Programmes

The educational programs are designed and implemented with the care of the Directorate of Volunteerism and Education, in cooperation with the Emergency Response Planning Directorate of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection, if they are programmes related to its subject, and are approved by the Education Board of CPA. 

Άποψη από ψηλά των εγκαταστάσεων της ΑΠΟΠ στα Βίλλια Αττικής.
View from above of CPA's facilities ​​​

Organisation - Administration

The CPA is administratively, financially and technically supported by the respective Directorates of the General Secretariat for Civil Protection and the General Directorate of Financial Services of the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection. Subordinate directly to the Secretary General for Civil Protection.

The CPA is headed by the Governor, who is assisted by the Governor's Office, the Board of Education and the Director of Education.

Institutional Framework

The details regarding the organisation and operation of the CPA are regulated by: