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Sending 112 messages to the population of Crete on Monday 22/04/2024 and Tuesday 23/04/2024 for the needs of "Minoas 2024" Earthquake Exercise

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"Minoas 2024" Earthquake Exercise

Saturday, April 20, 2024

The Ministry for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection announces that in the framework of the Operational Field Exercise of an Earthquake and Accompanying Geodynamic Phenomena in the Region of Crete with the code name "MINOAS 2024", which will take place on the island on April 22, 23 and 24, the European Emergency Number 112 Service will be used (sending messages).

In particular, for the needs of the exercise, a total of three (3) messages will be sent to residents and visitors of Crete: One on the morning of Monday 22/04/2024 and two on Tuesday 23/04/2024.

All messages will begin with the distinct indication "EXERCISE - EXERCISE - EXERCISE" (corresponding reference will also be included in English: "EXERCISE - EXERCISE - EXERCISE"), in order to make it clear that it is an Exercise and to avoid any misinterpretation and confusion.

More specifically:

  • On Monday, April 22, 2024, after 10:00 am, a message will be sent to the regions of Chania and Rethymnon, which will signify the start of the first day's exercise. The message will have the following content:

«ΑΣΚΗΣΗ – ΑΣΚΗΣΗ – ΑΣΚΗΣΗ  ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΚΛΙΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΡΙΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ 22/04/2024 – ΩΡΑ (…) – Ισχυρή σεισμική δόνηση αισθητή στις Περιφερειακές Ενότητες Χανίων και Ρεθύμνου – Έναρξη διεξαγωγής άσκησης σεισμού ΜΙΝΩΑΣ 2024. ΑΣΚΗΣΗΑΣΚΗΣΗΑΣΚΗΣΗ

EXERCISE – EXERCISE – EXERCISE - MINISTRY FOR CLIMATE CRISIS AND CIVIL PROTECTION  22/04/2024 – TIME (…) - A strong earthquake in the Regional Units of Chania and Rethymno - Start of earthquake exercise MINOAS 2024. EXERCISE – EXERCISE – EXERCISE»

  • On Tuesday, April 23, 2024, two 112 messages will be sent to all of Crete.
  1. The first message, which will signal the start of the second day's exercise, will be sent after 10:00 am. and will have the following content:

«ΑΣΚΗΣΗ – ΑΣΚΗΣΗ – ΑΣΚΗΣΗ ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΚΛΙΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΡΙΣΗΣ ΚΑΙ ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ  23/04/2024 – ΩΡΑ (…) – Πολύ ισχυρή σεισμική δόνηση αισθητή σε όλη την Κρήτη. Έναρξη διεξαγωγής άσκησης σεισμού ΜΙΝΩΑΣ 2024. ΑΣΚΗΣΗΑΣΚΗΣΗΑΣΚΗΣΗ

EXERCISE – EXERCISE – EXERCISE - MINISTRY FOR CLIMATE CRISIS AND CIVIL PROTECTION  23/04/2024 – TIME (…) - A very strong earthquake was felt throughout Crete. Start of earthquake exercise MINOAS 2024. EXERCISE – EXERCISE – EXERCISE»

  1. The second message will follow a few minutes after the first and will be a warning message about the risk of a tsunami due to the seismic vibration. The message will have the following content:

«ΑΣΚΗΣΗ – ΑΣΚΗΣΗ – ΑΣΚΗΣΗ  ΥΠΟΥΡΓΕΙΟ ΚΛΙΜΑΤΙΚΗΣ ΚΡΙΣΗΣ & ΠΟΛΙΤΙΚΗΣ ΠΡΟΣΤΑΣΙΑΣ  23/04/2024 ΩΡΑ (…) - Σεισμός μεγέθους 7.2 σημειώθηκε με επίκεντρο 30 χλμ B του Ηρακλείου. Κίνδυνος πιθανής εκδήλωσης τσουνάμι στην περιοχή σας. Απομακρυνθείτε άμεσα από τις ακτές. Ακολουθήστε τις οδηγίες των τοπικών αρχών ΑΣΚΗΣΗ – ΑΣΚΗΣΗ – ΑΣΚΗΣΗ

EXERCISE – EXERCISE – EXERCISE - CIVIL PROTECTION GREECE 23/04/2024 TIME (…) - A magnitude 7.2 earthquake has occurred 30 km N of Heraklion. Tsounami warning for your area. Move away from coastal areas now. Follow the instructions of local authorities. EXERCISE – EXERCISE –  EXERCISE».

The Ministry for Climate Crisis and Civil Protection notices that if any emergency arises during the above dates that requires sending an alarm message from 112, this action will be carried out normally. To this end, the Ministry invites all recipients of 112 messages in Crete on April 22 and 23, 2024 to carefully read the content of the notifications they will receive.