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Civil Protection Volunteering System


The Civil Protection Volunteerism System includes Non-Profit Voluntary Organizations (NPVO) belonging to the human resources of CP. Their mission is to assist the competent state bodies in the work of protecting the life, health, property of citizens, as well as the environment and cultural heritage from threatened or ongoing natural, technological or man-made disasters and threats, which cause emergencies during a period of peace.

In the Ministry of Climate Crisis and Civil Protection, the General Secretariat for Civil Protection (GSCP) is the national body for the maintenance of the “Unified Civil Protection Volunteerism Register (UCVR)”. In this context, it includes the NPVOs in the “Register of Voluntary Civil Protection Organisations (VCPO)” and their members in the “Register of Civil Protection Volunteers (RCPV).” 

Law 4662/2020 “National Mechanism for Crisis Management and Risk Management, restructuring of the GSCP, upgrade of civil protection volunteering system, reorganisation of the Fire Brigade and other provisions” upgraded the Civil Protection Volunteerism System, which had been institutionalised under Law 3013/2002.

In particular, issues such as:

  • Mission and actions of the NPVOs for Civil Protection
  • Conditions for inclusion in the Register of Voluntary Civil Protection Organizations (VCPO) and conditions for obtaining the status of a Civil Protection Volunteer
  • Training of NPVOs
  • Mobilisation and Operational Engagement of Volunteers
  • Evaluation of NPVOs and their reinforcement in materials and media and other resources.

In addition, regulatory acts regulate issues related to the process of integration and evaluation of Non Profit Voluntary Organizations.